Kimberly Callery,
Watson Design Program Director, Data & AI, IBM

“Marie joined our team with her running shoes on. She jumped into Watson Assistant Actions and showed she could think through a problem, wrangle stakeholders and get to a solution in an acceptable amount of time. From this success we moved her to leading the IA Mission and she did stellar. I think Marie is strong in breaking down a problem, understanding the intertwining features and technology and being super organized.“



Cale Vardy,
Head of Design, Varicent

Previously: Master Inventor, Design Director for Business Analytics, Data & AI, IBM

“Marie initially joined as an early professional, and her commitment to remain curious in the emerging technology industry has led her to becoming a key player on our team. She is a pleasure to work with, and has grown exponentially as a designer in the areas of communication, attention to detail, and leadership skills.

As a whole, Marie continues to prove not only her strong ability to think critically and create, but her tact in managing and guiding design conversations within an environment of complex stakeholders.”



Marc-James Abi-Jaoude,
Design Strategist Lead for
Business Analytics, Data & AI, IBM

“It has been a wonderful learning experience working with you on the Mobile App and Watson Moments team. IBM and our design team are better because of your positive contributions to the product and culture. Keep up your "Work hard, but have fun do it" attitude.”

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Jennie Heo,
Design Researcher for
Business Analytics, Data & AI, IBM

“Whenever I work with you, I am consistently reminded of how much you care and believe in the value of user research. This motivates me to want to continue working with you and to make sure that our design decisions and product roadmap is discussed with our users in mind. Ever since the beginning, you have always demonstrated a strong leadership not just for the design but with the development and offering management teams as well.”

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Aparna Satoor,
Design Lead for Business Analytics, Data & AI, IBM

“You are an amazing colleague, your dedication to craft and contributions to the team are admirable.” 
